Pluggable Django Apps and Django's Admin

There are a lot of us out there who build these reusable, pluggable Django applications and share them with the world. Some of the applications are more useful than others. Personally, I think my applications tend to fall in the less useful category, but I like to build and release them nonetheless.

The Background

The other day, I received a suggestion from one of the users of django-pendulum for how to make it a little more user-friendly. The problem was that he had not yet configured Pendulum for his current Site. As soon as he tried to access his site after installing django-pendulum, he was greeted with a nasty Django exception page, admonishing him to configure Pendulum for the site. It was pretty dirty and effective, but not very pleasant at all.

This user suggested that, instead of displaying the nasty exception page, I redirect the user to a place where they could in fact configure Pendulum. I thought this was a grand idea, and I set out to make it happen last night.

The Dilemma

That's when I realized I had a problem. django-pendulum is intended to be a reusable Django application. Most of the time it might be safe to assume that everyone uses /admin/ to get to the Django administration utility. However, there's also a good chance that this will not be the prefix used to access the administration utility. What do you do when you hardcode your applications to redirect a user to /admin/ and they use something more secure like /milwaukee/ for their administration utility?

So the question is this: how do you determine what URL will bring a user to the Django administration page for a particular Django model based on the specific site's URLconf setup?

The Solution

It turns out that one solution (not sure if it's safe to say "the solution" necessarily) with Django 1.1+ is to have something like this:

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
admin_url = reverse('admin_pendulum_pendulumconfiguration_add')

The named URLconf used in the reverse function should ensure that the appropriate administration URL prefix is used for whatever site your application is installed on.

I did a bit of browsing through the Django documentation, but I've never seen it stated anywhere what the names are for administration URLs actually are. I found out about this little nugget by examining the output of the django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.get_urls method (see get_urls(self)). From the looks of it, pretty much any Django model registered with your Django administration will have URLconf items similar to the following:

[<RegexURLPattern admin_pendulum_pendulumconfiguration_changelist ^$>,
 <RegexURLPattern admin_pendulum_pendulumconfiguration_add ^add/$>,
 <RegexURLPattern admin_pendulum_pendulumconfiguration_history ^(.+)/history/$>,
 <RegexURLPattern admin_pendulum_pendulumconfiguration_delete ^(.+)/delete/$>,
 <RegexURLPattern admin_pendulum_pendulumconfiguration_change ^(.+)/$>]

In other words, you get 5 URLconf patterns per model: changelist, add, history, delete, and change. These patterns are named, and they all appear to be prefixed with admin_[app_label]_[model]_. In the case of django-pendulum, the application is called pendulum so [app_label] becomes pendulum. The model in question is called PendulumConfiguration so the [model] becomes pendulumconfiguration. I assume this same pattern will be followed for any registered model. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

More Details

For those of you interested in more details, django-pendulum uses a middleware class to redirect users to the screen where they can configure Pendulum for the site in question (unless it's already been configured). Here's my middleware as of revision 18:

from django.contrib.auth.views import login
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.conf import settings
from pendulum.models import PendulumConfiguration

SITE = Site.objects.get_current()
admin_url = reverse('admin_pendulum_pendulumconfiguration_add')
login_url = getattr(settings, 'LOGIN_URL', '/accounts/login/')

class PendulumMiddleware:
    This middleware ensures that anyone trying to access Pendulum must be
    logged in.  If Pendulum hasn't been configured for the current site, the
    staff users will be redirected to the page to configure it.
    def process_request(self, request):
        except PendulumConfiguration.DoesNotExist:
            # this will force the user to configure pendulum if they're staff
            if request.user.has_perm('add_pendulumconfiguration') and \
                request.path not in (admin_url, login_url):
                # leave the user a message
                request.user.message_set.create(message='Please configure Pendulum for %s' % SITE)

                return HttpResponseRedirect(admin_url)
            entry_url = reverse('pendulum-entries')

            if request.path[:len(entry_url)] == entry_url and request.user.is_anonymous():
                if request.POST:
                    return login(request)
                    return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?next=%s' % (login_url, request.path))

This checks to see if Pendulum has been configured for the site. If not, the middleware will check to see if the current user has permission to add a configuration for Pendulum. If so, they will be redirected to the appropriate configuration screen.

If Pendulum has been configured for the site or the current user does not have permission to add a configuration, the user should be unaffected. If the user is trying to access Pendulum on the site's front-end, the middleware will ensure that they're actually logged in.

As always, suggestions are welcome!

Hear, hear!!

I just read an interesting article on how to manage geeks, and I wholeheartedly endorse it.

A couple of my favorites:

  1. Include them in IT related decisions. Never make decisions without consulting geeks. Geeks usually know the technical side of the business better than the manager, so making a technical decision without consulting them is one of the biggest mistakes a leader can make.
  1. Remember that geeks are creative workers. Programming and system analysis are creative processes, not an industrial one. Geeks must constantly come up with solutions to new problems and rarely ever solve the same problem twice. Therefore they need leeway and flexibility. Strict dress codes and too much red tape kill all innovation. They also need creative workspace surroundings to avoid "death by cubicle."

Hah. Death by cubicle... that's great. Finally:

Geeks don't like dead weight. If you have any, get rid of it, and your team will be better off. Teams work best when everyone is pulling their weight.

Managers beware!

Firebug for !Firefox

Pretty much anyone who's been doing any Web development in the last few years probably prefers to use Firefox because of the incredibly powerful extensions it offers. Among the extensions I hear most Web developers complain about not having in other browsers are Web Developer and Firebug. Several people feel that they could get by with another browser (such as Google Chrome) if it only had Firebug.

Well, my friends, the trusty folks who built Firebug actually offer their amazing product for other browsers! It goes by the name of "Firebug Lite." I'm not sure exactly how long this has been around, but the earliest date I can find suggests that it was released to the public in July of 2008.

I happened upon this utility while perusing Django Snippets the other day. A member by the username of jfw posted a middleware which injects the Firebug Lite utility into a response when you're not using Firefox and when your site is in debug mode. I've found it to be quite useful. I hope you all do too!!

Custom Django Settings and Default Values

This article is more about basic Python than anything else, but I hope it will help some newbies out there get further along faster. I should note that I learned Python by learning Django, so I don't exactly have the best foundation in Python. I think it's getting better though :)

Anyway, there are many occasions when I find myself creating applications that have custom settings which can be defined in a Django project's file. Sometimes I want to force the developer to define the setting (such as when a third-party API key is required). Other times I want to have sensible defaults which can easily be overridden by the developer if they desire. I struggled for a while to find an elegant solution for providing such default values for my custom settings.

I first tried something like this:

from django.conf import settings

except AttributeError:
    MY_CUSTOM_SETTING = 'default value'

That seemed to work well enough, but it just felt dirty to me. After a while of doing thing that way, I started doing it like this:

from django.conf import settings

if hasattr(settings, 'MY_CUSTOM_SETTING'):
    MY_CUSTOM_SETTING = 'default value'

Despite being essentially the same, it felt slightly better than the try..except method. I think I stuck with this method for a bit longer than the first method I mentioned. Finally, I found out that Python's built-in getattr function allows you to specify a default value if it fails to retrieve the value of the attribute you want:

from django.conf import settings

MY_CUSTOM_SETTING = getattr(settings, 'MY_CUSTOM_SETTING', 'default value')

So far, this is the most elegant and efficient method I've found for allowing custom settings with default values. Perhaps there is a better way, and I'd be delighted if someone would enlighten me and the rest of the readers.

New Site Design

I don't know how many of you have noticed this, but I just published a new design for Code Koala. Hooray!!

Along with the change in design came several improvements to the site, including a contact me form and some code optimizations.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the difference:

Version 1.0

Version 1

Version 2.0

Version 2

Programmers Are Tiny Gods

I stumbled across this article in my daily RSS feeding ritual. The article itself it quite short and to the point--only 9 brief paragraphs. The author brings up some valid points and uses the metaphor of programmers being "tiny" gods. Here's my favorite paragraph.

Like designers, if you give a programmer a problem with parameters, they’ll apply every bit of genius they have to solve it in the best possible way. If you tell them how to do it, you’ll suffer the wrath of an angry God.

" ye therefore wise..."....

The article:

Downtime and django-tracking 0.2.7

The Foul Side

Some of you may have noticed the ~11 hours of intermittent downtime that experienced from early on the 24th of January to just a little while ago. I was doing some work on my django-tracking application, which somehow seemed to break my site. uses PostgreSQL as the database backend, and as soon as I tried to apply the changes to django-tracking to my site, everything just seemed to die.

The weird thing was that the site would work if I put it on a sqlite or MySQL backend. I didn't change the database schema at all as part of my changes to django-tracking, so it made absolutely no sense. I was in touch with WebFaction's awesome support squad for a good deal of today trying to get things sorted out. We tried just about everything we could think of, short of porting the entire site to a different backend or restoring a recent backup.

Just as things were looking very grim, I tried this command: ./ reset tracking. Voilà! The site started working again. I guess I just had some super funky junk in my tracking application's tables.

On the Brighter Side

As a result of all this work and toil, you all can now enjoy django-tracking 0.2.7! There were a lot of minor code optimizations that went into this release. The biggest change, however, is the fancy "active users map" that you see here.

This feature allows you to display a map of where your recently active users are likely to be based upon their IP address. A list is also available below the map with displays further information about each active visitor. The page updates itself every 5 seconds or so, which means that if a visitor hasn't been active for 10 minutes (or whatever your timeout happens to be), their marker will disappear from the map and their entry in the last will go away too! Pretty dang fancy if you ask me!

If you're interested in downloading and using django-tracking, please check out the links at the end of the article. The Google Code link explains what you need to do and how to configure things.

So folks!! Please play with it!

Announcing Pythug, Idaho's Python Users Group

I've decided something. I love Python. A lot. It's, like, the best programming language in the world. It's such a pleasure to use and program. It works on basically anything. And it's pretty.

Living in Idaho, there aren't quite as many passionate programmers as you might find in many other places of the world (even in a university setting). A while back, I started looking around for a possible Python Users Group (PUG) in my area so I could bask in Python goodness with others. I was very surprised to learn that there wasn't one nearby.

As a result, I took it upon myself to begin to create one, mainly for southeastern Idaho. Since I started using Python about a year and a half ago, I've spread the good word amongst many of my colleagues. Many have started to like Python, others have decided it's not their cup of tea. For the time being, it appears that the PUG will be comprised primarily of my colleagues and myself. However, I would like the group to be a place where beginners and experts alike can come together to learn and instruct each other. I have plans. Devious plans.

The problem I have is a lack of time. That shouldn't surprise anyone, because we all seem to be in the same boat when it comes to time. Anyway, there are still some details that need to be addressed. This will take time. I don't anticipate things being "ready" until April, around the time that my semester ends.

For any of you who are interested in joining such a community, I would encourage you to visit its brand spankin' new Web site to sign up for progress updates. Those who sign up for updates will be counted on the "unofficial" membership roster, but there is no obligation to really become a member when all is said and done. It's merely a way for me to update everyone at the same time a couple times a month.

If you live in Idaho and are interested in joining Pythug, or know someone who might be interested, please get the information in the form. Remember... there are plans. :D

Codename: Little Weebl

So Mindy and I went in for the first official ultrasound today. We were quite surprised to see our little spec turn into an active little iddy-bitty baby. It was moving around a lot, and at one point we even saw it waving at us!

Little Weebl's first ultrasound, picture 1

We found out that Mindy is pregnant around the 5th of December, and we waited to let people know until after Christmas, when we officially broke the news to the family. We still haven't told very many people, but now that we have some pictures to show off we think it's about time.

Little Weebl's first ultrasound, picture 2

With all of the movement we saw during the ultrasound, we decided to nickname our baby "Weebl" after the genius Weebl and Bob.

Little Weebl's first ultrasound, picture 3

Django + Aggregation = w00t

One of my good friends has just notified me of some great news in Django land: aggregates are upon us! As of revision 9742, Django includes two new operations: annotate() and aggregate().

Ok, ok, so I haven't actually played with Django's new aggregation functionality yet, but I definitely will!! And I'm sure it will rock.

More information: